Monticello Magazine 2023 Spring-Summer


ON THE COVER: Aerial view of Monticello Photo by Ian Atkins

On Monticello’s West Lawn, a 1930s Pierce-Arrow automobile and the seat of Thomas Jefferson’s 1802 horse-drawn phaeton illustrate more than a century’s worth of transportation progress.

Rufus Holsinger/University of Virginia Special Collections

Spring/Summer 2023



10 CELEBRATING A CENTURY For the past 100 years, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation has owned and operated Monticello, pursuing its twofold mission of preservation and education. 12 RESTORING A MASTERPIECE Scholars, architects, archaeologists and skilled craftspeople have shared a long history of working together to restore Monticello to the way it appeared during Jefferson’s lifetime.

Visitors to Monticello can enjoy a variety of tours and exhibits. The surrounding area also offers more history, natural beauty and family activities. 18 MR. JEFFERSON'S NEIGHBORHOOD 16 ARCHIVE OF FREEDOM The Getting Word African American Oral History Project marks three decades of preserving the histories of Monticello’s enslaved families and their descendants.


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